Is ClickFunnels A Website Builder? We Test It Out!

Yes. ClickFunnels offers an alternative way you can use to build your website quite different from the widely known conventional way. The conventional process of building a website was tedious. You had to partake in a long time consuming, and expensive process. You would need a coding expert, a domain name, a hosting company, and web designer. After building your website from scratch you needed to test its elements and then launch it.

Your website is among the top modern tools you can use to promote your business. Any business tends to miss many leads without a website. The current marketing systems are digitalized to cover a more comprehensive market remotely as you offer your clients tools and features to make their purchasing seamless.

You may have already launched or planning to launch your business online. In the process of planning, you may be looking for the most cost-effective way to reach a large mass of clients. You cannot help but wonder, “Do I need a website or a Funnel?” The good news is that you get to have the best of both worlds with ClickFunnels.

How To Build A Website Using 6 Simple Steps On ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels has upgraded and simplified the traditional website building process. You will have an optimized website up and running in a few minutes.

The process of building a website with ClickFunnels:

1. Start by logging on to your ClickFunnels account. You may go ahead and create an account if you don’t have one yet.

2. Go to Create a New Funnel under account settings.

3. Choose the classic funnel builder. Click on the Custom Funnel menu and click on the green button labeled Build Funnel

4. Name the Website and click Create Funnel.

5. ClickFunnels sets you up with an Optin page which you can cancel if you intend to start from scratch.

6. Create pages from hundreds of pre-built templates. ClickFunnels offers numerous pre-built templates for various types of pages for your website. For example, the home page, op-in page, and OTO. You can clone the pages you create to make the other pages in the image of your first page.

Why Choose ClickFunnels?

1. Ease Of Use: Do you know how to drag and drop? That’s all you need when creating a website on ClickFunnels. Coding knowledge is not a must. You also do a little editing so as to tweak the elements to your liking.

2. Convenience: ClickFunnels is a handy tool for creating and managing your website. The platforms has everything you need to create and manage your website. The services you get to outsource are minimal for example payment integrations such as PayPal.

3. Flexibility: The different Funnels Templates let you sell various products or services.

4. An Array Of Webpage Elements: Elements help you deliver your services just the way you want. ClickFunnels provides, surveys, HTML, opt-in pages etc.

5. Create Your Own Affiliate Marketing Program: You can share your funnels with your friends with an affiliate program. What’s more, you can also sell your programs to business in a similar market segment.

6. Easy And Quick Third Party Integration: ClickFunnels has an inbuilt email autoresponder called Actionetics. You can integrate your own autoresponder for example GetReponse among others. You also get to integrate a payment method such as PayPal.

7. Track Your Website And Funnel Performance: ClickFunnels provides you with stats of how your websites and funnels are performing. What’s more, you use split-tests on your pages to measure their level of effectiveness.

8. Pre-made Templates: ClickFunnels provides a lot of pre-built templates. You get website templates, page templates, autoresponder message template etc.

9. You Save Time And Money: All the functions of your website come in a package. You save money that would have spent on hiring experts and the time they would take to set up your website.

A website is a digital gateway to your business. A funnel acts as a guide to your customers to optimize the conversion rates of your prospects. A website is an integration of 6-10 pages. These pages contain introductions and information about your business and the products or services you are offering. Some of the pages on a website include your homepage, product, or service page, and your contact information.

Related Post: Build A Funnel From Scratch

A Website has become an essential tool when it comes to online marketing. Websites give your business an online address. The address further gives your customers access to your business information as they source for what they need. A funnel is a multi-step process that aims to generate leads and convert a prospect into a buyer. You need the steps in your funnel because to influence your prospect to convert to a buyer. Funnels help you relate with your buyer on a personal level. For example, you can send an email follow up with a personalized offer depending on what they viewed in your funnel.

Why spend money and time to build your website from scratch when ClickFunnels lets you create one in a matter of minutes?

Need ideas? Check out these amazing examples here.

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